Separation Anxiety

What is it?

Separation anxiety is one term used for dogs who have a difficult time being left alone. Symptoms include barking, howling, trying to escape, panting, drooling, self mutiliation, elimination, and more. These can be heartbreaking and challenging behaviors to see in our beloved pets. Owners often feel trapped, and unsure of how to help their dog while also living their life.

What causes it?

There are no definitive answers as to what causes separation anxiety and other alone-time issues, but some risk factors include a potential genetic predisposition, multiple rehoming, a frightening or traumatic experience, moving, the loss of a family member, inexperience being left alone, confinement anxiety, noise aversion, and more. The risk factors are endless and research is ongoing.

What can be done?

The good news is that regardless of the reason, there is hope and help! The first step is an assessment, so we can find out exactly what is happening. If the program is recommended, a plan will be tailored to your dog’s current alone-time abilities, and strategically built from there. Using simple technology, meetings and sessions are held virtually. This allows the dog to be assessed during absences, without the interference of another person. This approach is most effective, as the dog is learning how to be alone in daily, “real life” scenarios.

What can be done?

The good news is that regardless of the reason, there is hope and help! The first step is an assessment, so we can find out exactly what is happening. If the program is recommended, a plan will be tailored to your dog’s current alone-time abilities, and strategically built from there. Using simple technology, meetings and sessions are held virtually. This allows the dog to be assessed during absences, without the interference of another person. This approach is most effective, as the dog is learning how to be alone in daily, “real life” scenarios.

How Does the program work?

To start, fill out the intake form below and Emily will email you to schedule your free 30 minute call.

The program starts with a 4 week commitment and includes:

An initial video assessment, where your dog is watched during an absence.

4 days of assignments each week. 

Daily support via email and shared documents.
Weekly live assessments.
A supportive and dedicated trainer through it all.

Separation anxiety training intake form